Singleton Residents – ex ‘Back to Singleton’ Book

The following names are contained in the 1926 Souvenir Publication ‘Back to Singleton’. If you are interested in obtaining the details which normally include an address and a occupation and neighbours names contact me at



Singleton_1926 ‘Back To Singleton’


First Name

Adams W.G.
Adams Henry
Adams William
Adams G.
Agin Mrs.
Aiken ne
Alcorn Richard
Alford J.
Alford E.J.
Alford E.
Allen Mr.
Allen R.H.
Allen D.J.
Allen H.G.
Allsop M.
Alston Mr.
Anderson ne
Anderson Frederick D.
Anderson R.
Anderson W.
Andrews W.H.
Andrews Mr.
Angwin Rev. T.
Antcliffe H.
Arndell ne
Asimus John Frederick
Atkin J.
Atkin John
Atkinson Mrs.
Atkinson ne
Austin A.
Austin J.T.
Austin F.
Babyn Capt. John
Bailey ne
Bailey Henry
Bailey R.L.
Bailey W.G.
Bailey W.
Baker C.H.
Ball James
Barrett J.T.
Barrett J.H.
Barton Dr. A.D.
Bartrop R.G.
Bartrop J.A.
Barwick ne
Bates G.
Bates ne
Bates G. A.
Bathgate A.C.
Bayliss Joshua
Beale Rev. J.
Belgrade George H.
Bell William S.
Bell Archd. jun.
Bennett F.A.
Bennett H.
Benson ne
Benyon Rev. J.H.
Berry ne
Beveridge John
Beynon Rev. J.H.
Bigge Joseph
Biggin Andrew
Biggin Thomas
Bird A.
Bird Charles
Blackwood Rev. J.
Blaxland R.T.
Blaxland John jun.
Blaxland George
Blaxland Reginald T.
Blaxland R.
Blaxland John
Blunt Thomas
Bode Rev.
Booth ne
Boucher Frederick
Bouke H.
Bourke E.J.
Bourke J.
Bower T.H.
Bower John Andrew
Bowes ne
Bowes J.W.
Bowes Rev. J.
Bowman James Cecil
Bowman Dr. James
Bowman James Cecil
Bowman A.S.
Bowman James
Bowman Dr. A.S.
Bowman Matthew
Bowman G.Pierce
Bowman George
Bowman W.H.
Bowman G.P. (Mrs.)
Bowman Dr. Robert
Bowman Dr.
Bowman Mr.
Bowman James, (Mrs.)
Bowman Alexander
Bowman Edward
Bowman Alex.
Boyce F.B.
Boyd W.
Bragg ne
Bray A.
Bray J. A.
Britten ne
Britten J.
Britz Maurice
Brooklyn ne
Brooks Willima
Broomfield George
Brosi ne
Brosi Mrs.
Brosi John David
Brothers Alexander
Broughton Bishop
Brown D. jun
Brown John
Brown J.
Brown J.L.
Brown ne
Brown Mr.
Brown D. sen
Brown I.L.
Brown Lin.
Brown Thomas
Brown ne
Brown W.
Browne ne
Browne J.
Bruderlin A.H.
Bruderlin Gustave
Bryant Rev. J.
Brydon W.
Buchan C.A.
Buchanan David
Buchanan ne
Buchtmann Mr.
Bullen G.
Bunker Ebenezer
Bunker ne
Bunn Mrs.
Burden F.
Burke E.J.
Burke J.
Burn ne
Burnage John
Burnett William
Burnett W.
Burnett ne
Burns James
Burns Henry
Burns George
Burns H.
Burns Robert E.
Busby James sen.
Bushby John
Butter ne
Cameron J.G.
Cameron J.H.
Cameron Rev. F.
Cameron W.
Cameron Rev. Dr.
Campbell John W.
Campbell ne
Campbell S. (Mrs.)
Campbell Patrick
Campbell Dalmahoy
Campbell Charles
Campbell Alex.
Campbell J.N.
Campbell John
Capp C.C.
Cardow J.L.
Carpenter John
Carter ne
Carter ne
Caudron A. (Mrs.)
Cavanagh C.
Chaffers-Welsh Rev. J.
Chapman Mrs.
Chapman Robert
Chapman William
Christain I.
Christain ne
Christain J.
Christoper ne
Churchland A.
Clark Mrs Aaron
Clark Peter
Clark ne
Clark W.
Clark Mrs. M.
Clark James A.
Clark H.H.
Clark Ashton
Clark H.
Clark-Duff Rev. V.
Clarke ne
Clarke Tom
Clarke Misses
Clarke H.
Clarke M.
Clarke J.A.
Clarke E.Wiseman
Clarke ne
Clarke Joseph
Clarkson Thomas
Claxton ne
Clerihew W.
Clerihew William
Clift Joan
Cobb John
Cobb James
Cobcroft John
Cobcroft Enoch
Cobcroft P.
Cochrane A.T.
Cock J.G.
Coe A.J.
Coghlan C.
Coghlan T.
Coghlan Cornelius
Cole J.
Cole J. (Mrs.)
Cole Vivian
Coles T.
Collett ne
Collett B. (Mrs.)
Collett W.R.
Collins S.
Collins W.W.
Collins W.W. (Mrs.)
Collins Wallis W.
Connolly H.P.
Conolly R.B.
Conway T.
Cooke G. (Mrs.)
Cooke ne
Cooke Clements William
Cooper Rev.
Cooper Rev.
Corrigan Mrs.
Cosier ne
Coughlan T.K.
Coughlan G.H.
Coughlan Michael
Cousins Lt.
Cousins R.
Cox T.C.
Coxley ne
Cragg Mrs. W.J.
Cragg Mrs.
Cragg ne
Cragg W.J.
Craig Rev. W.
Cramp ne
Crampton ne
Crosby Rev. E. E.
Cruickshank J.H.
Cullen P.
Cullen ne
Cunningham Dr.
Cunningham ne
Curtis ne
Cush ne
Cuthbertson A.R. Miss
Dalton F.
Dalton R.
Dalton Richard
Dangar William J.
Dangar Richard H.
Dangar Mrs. R.H.
Dangar Robert Augustus
Dangar Mrs. M.P.
Dangar Mrs. A.A.
Dangar Mr.
Dangar R.H.
Dangar A.A.
Dangar A.A. (Mrs.)
Dangar A.D.
Dangar W.J.
Dangar H.C.(MLC)
Dangar Henry
Dargin ne
Dargin Thomas
Davies James J.
Davies James John
Davis Rev. W.J.
Davis Rev.
Davys J.E.
Dawes ne
Dawes R.
Dawes R.J.
Dawes E.L.
Dawes A.H.
Dawes Miss
Dawes Richard
de L. Musgrove Rev. P.
Deans H.
Decent Mrs.
Decent Mr.
Decent J.H.
DeCourcey H.
Deerman ne
Dennis J.
Densley ne
Dent Thomas
Dight Samuel Billingsley
Dight Charles Hilton
Dight S.B.
Dight John jun.
Dight J.G.
Dight John sen
Dight F.J.R.
Dight George
Dight ne
Dines J.
Dines Richard
Dixon E.
Dodd James
Dolahenty M.
Doohan M.
Doohan P.
Doohan ne
Dorrington Frank
Dove Rev.
Dovey ne
Dowling Rev
Doyle E.
Doyle Edward
Doyle Cyrus William
Doyle Mary
Doyle J.V.
Doyle G.V.
Doyle Cyrus Matthew
Doyle B.G.
Doyle C.W.
Doyle J.R.
Doyle Andrew
Drew ne
Drew Samuel
Drew J.
Duboise ne
Dudding William
Dudding W.
Duff Peter
Dulling Thomas
Dulling Mr.
Dunlop ne
Dunn ne
Dunn J.H. Dunn
Durham William
Durham Charles
Durham A.S.
Earle John
Eather J.T.
Eather Roy
Eather Thomas
Eather Roy J.
Eather J.
Eaton John
Eaton ne
Edwards Mrs. T.
Edwards ne
Elliot ne
Elliot A.
Elliott E.
Ellis Richard
Ellis William
Ellis T.
Ellis Thomas
Enrigth Jack
Everell Mrs.
Falkiner John
Falkiner J.
Falkiner J.P.
Falkiner Robert
Falkiner David
Falkiner P.J.
Falkiner ne
Fallick J.
Faulkiner ne
Faulkner P.
Faulkner N.
Faulkner R.
Faulkner David
Faulkner Mr.
Faulkner Robert
Faulkner D.
Fawcett E.W.
Fawcett Glen
Fawcett Edward
Fawcett George
Fawcett Richard
Fawcett Thomas A.
Ferguson R.G.
Ferrier ne
Ferrington J.C.
Finn Rev.
Fitzroy A. (Mrs.)
Fletcher Rev. A.
Floyd ne
Flynn ne
Foden W.
Foran Rev.
Forbes ne
Forrester K.
Fossey ne
Foster ne
Foster William
Fountaine Rev.
Fraser A.
Frederick J.
Freeman G.R.
Gaggin John
Gale ne
Galvin ne
Gardiner ne
Gardner H.J.
Gates H.E.
Gates H.E.C.
Gates J.M.
Gauze ne
Gearing John
Geary H.G.
Geoghegan E.
Giles A.
Gilmour Capt.
Glass Mrs.
Glass Noble
Glass Alexander
Glennie J.
Glennie Charles
Glennie Arthur
Glennie Dr.
Glennie Mr.
Glennie Dr. James
Glover W.
Godfrey C.R.S.
Gonne G.
Gore B.
Gould Walter
Gould Albert J.
Gould Amos
Gould A.J.
Gould Charles
Gould Edmund
Gould Henry
Gould Samuel
Graham R.J.G.
Grainger Arthur
Grainger Mrs. A.
Grainger John
Grainger L.M.
Grainger ne
Grainger A.
Green Miss
Green John
Green ne
Gregory Mrs.
Griffin H.
Grisdale John
Groening Sister
Haggarty S.
Haire Rev. W.
Haling Mrs.
Halter ne
Hamilton J.
Hamilton A.
Hamilton D.
Hamilton John
Hanley Rev.
Hannahton ne
Hannam A.H.
Harborn ne
Hardy. W.
Harpur Charles
Harpur Joseph
Harrington Edward
Harrington E.
Harris H.J.
Harris R.
Harris J.A.
Harris Roy
Hartigan Dr. Robert S.
Hartigan ne
Hawke J.
Hawke ne
Hawkins A.E.
Hawkins A.
Haydon ne
Hayes J.S.
Hayes Amos
Hayes Thomas
Hayes John
Hayes Thomas
Hayes William
Hayes A.
Head E.J.
Heffron John
Hetherington Rev.
Hetherington Rev. Irving
Heuston Arthur
Heuston ne
Hevers H.
Hewitt ne
Hewitt Henry
Hewitt ne
Hewitt H.
Hickey F.J.
Hickey ne
Hickson W.L.
Highfield ne
Hill Rev Richard
Hill R.A.
Hill J.J.
Hill Garven Rev. John
Hills Nurse
Hindle G.
Hindston Mathew
Hiney ne
Hobden Richard
Hobden ne
Hoddle Robert
Hoeper Ensign
Holcombe ne
Holz P.
Hooker D.
Hookway A.
Hope F.
Hope ne
Hope Thomas Frederick
Hopkins C.G.
Hopkins John
Horder E.
Horder Edward
Horder W.
Horler E.
Horne Samuel H.
Horne ne
Hosie G. ( Mrs.)
Hosie G.J.
Howard A.N.
Howarth G.R.
Howe Mrs. James
Howe John K.
Howe John
Howell ne
Huband-Smith Rev.
Hughes J.T.
Hughes I.E.
Hull Nurse
Hume A.D.
Humphries Mr.
Hunt ne
Irvine Rev. H.O.
Jackson C.
James Thomas Horton
Jarman G.
Jarman George
Jarman R.H.
Jarman ne
Jarrett W.
Jarrett H.
Jay R.F.
Johnson Abraham
Johnson John
Johnston Jonas
Johnston Batty
Johnston John
Johnstone Abraham
Johnstone Andrew
Johnstone John
Johnstone ne
Jones ne
Jordan J.
Joseph ne
Joss Mary
Joss George Alex.
Kain C.
Kavanagh ne
Kavanagh C.
Kavanagh ne
Kavanagh Rev. Dr.
Kein W.
Kelf J.
Kelly W.
Kenewell ne
Kennedy J.B.
Kennedy ne
Kennedy J.T.
Kennedy Roger
Kennewell A.
Kensington Rev.
Kershaw Miss
Kessell Rev. S.
Keys J.H.
Kidland Rev. John
Kilgalin Rev.
Killalea J.
Killalea J.C.
Killalea Joe
Killen John
King Frederick
King F.
King Lieut. E.
Kingsley ne
Kingston W.
Kingston ne
Kingston William
Kirk Miss
Kirkland Mrs.
Kirkwood ne
Kirkwood Henry Neville
Knight W.
Knodler G.
Knodler J.
Knodler H.
Kohler ne
Krams G.
La Roche G.
La Roche ne
Lancaster R.
Lane W.J.
Lane Geo.
Lane Rev. G.
Langford F.
Laverty ne
Laverty William
Lawrence Joseph
Ledger Mrs.
Ledingham ne
Lee G.F.S.
Lee A.R.
Lee John
Lee G.
Leonard Father
Leonard Rev.
Leonard Rev.
Lesley W.C
Lesley William Copeland
Lethbridge George
Lethbridge John
Lethbridge G.T.
Lethbridge Robert.
Lewis ne
Linton Rev. H.
Little Mr.
Little H.J. (Mrs)
Lloyd ne
Lloyd G.B.
Lloyd G.
Lloyd George
Lloyd-Jones E.
Lloyd-Jones Edward
Loand H.
Loder Andrew
Loder George
Loder S.T.
Loder ne
Loder T.G.
Loder W.M.
Loder George Thomas
Loder St.Thomas
Loder George sen
Loder G.
Loder G.T.
Longford William
Lord ne
Lumley ne
Lunney W.
Lynch Bryan
Lynch Rev. Father
Lyons P.
MacKay D.F.
Mackay Miss
MacKay Duncan Forbes
Madden Mrs.
Madden George
Madgwick Rev. E.D.
Maffey R.W.H.
Maffey Dr.
Maguire ne
Maguire Michael
Maguire John
Maher James
Maher J.A.
Maiden H.E.
Main ne
Malcom John
Maloney J.
Maning ne
Manly W.
Mansfield ne
Mantle R.
Mantlent John
Marks W.J.
Markwell ne
Marsden Samuel
Marsden ne
Marshall A.C.
Marshall Samuel
Martin Edward
Martyn Rev. J. G.
Maskey ne
Mather Alex
Mather A.
Maxwell W.
May ne
Mayne J.C.
Maziere David
McAlpin Joseph
McAlpin William G.
McAlpin W. (Mrs)
McAlpin H.
McAlpin William
McAulay C.
McCallum ne
McCalman A.D.
McCann W. (Mrs)
McCannon A.
McCannon J.
McCarthy Miss
McCosker C.J.
McCosker O.
McCosker Patrick
McCosker Bernard
McCosker ne
McCosker Mrs. Patrick
McCosker cCosker Pat
McCoy Rev. C.J.
McCrossin ne
McDermott ne
McDonald ne
McDonald W.F.
McDouall ne
McDouall Mrs.
McDouall J.C.S.
McDougal David
McDougal D.
McDougall ne
McDougall John
McDougall Alexander
McDougall D.
McDougall Andrew
McDougall Andrew
McDougall ne
McDougall James Taylor
McDougall ne
McEvoy ne
McFadden Henry
McFadden H. jun.
McFadden H.
McFadden ne
McGahan T.
McGowen L.
McGregor J
McGregor ne
McGrogan J.
McGrogan Jas.
McGuire ne
McKenzie A.D.
McKenzie Corby
McKenzie John
McKeown W.
McKimm R.
McKnight Mrs.
McLachlan J.
McLachlan ne
McLachlan John
McLachlan ne
McLachlan James
McLean John
McLean ne
McMahon ne
McMahon J.T.
McMahon ne
McManus ne
McPhee A.
McPherson C.W.
M’Dougall Andrew
M’Dougall J.
Meagher Monsignor
Mein James
Mein ne
Merewether ne
Merry ne
Meyn W.
Miles ne
Millard ne
Millard R.W.C.
Millard F.H.
Millard R.
Miller ne
Miller G.R.
Miller ne
Miller ne
Mills George Galway
Miner H.J.
Miner H.J.
Miner H.J.
Miner J.
Mitchell James
M’Leod Dr. Donald
Molster Mrs.
Mooney ne
Mooney Barney
Moore James
Moore ne
Moore Thomas H
Moore Lt.Cl. D.T.
Moore Thomas Henry
Morley E.
Morley White
Moroney Timothy
Moroney ne
Morris J.G.
Morrison ne
Mosman Archibald
Moss H.C.
Mountain ne
Mountain C.
Mountain ne
Moxey George
Mudie James
Munro Hugh
Munro Alex.
Munro Mrs
Munro H.
Munro Nurse
Munro Alexander
Munro H. (Mrs.)
Needham ne
Neill ne
Nesbitt ne
Nesbitt C.
Neville T.W.
Neville D.
Newling G.A.
Newton Dr.
Newton Mell Rev. C.
Nicholl ne
Nicholls James
Nicholls J.
Nicholls H.W.
Noble William
Nolan Rev. J.A.
Nolan ind
Nolan Rev.
North S.F.
North F. Mrs.
Norton C.T.
Nowland Edward
Nowland Michael
Nowland C.
Nowland Henry
Nowland William
Nowland ne
Nye Rev. N.
O’Brien M
O’Brien J.J.
Ogilvy J.J.
O’Halloran Major J.H.
O’Halloran G.S.
O’Leary G.
Oliver J.Y.
Onslow-Thompson Mrs.
Onslow-Thompson J.W.
Onslow-Thompson I.
Onus John
Onus Thomas
Onus Joseph
Osborn William
Osborne J.C.
Osborne John Wesley
Osborne J.W.
O’Toole E
Paget W.
Palasier P.
Palmer A.
Palmer ne
Pankhurst A.S..
Parmeter Dr. Thomas
Parnell Edward
Parnell ne
Parnell Charles
Parr J.
Parr W.
Parr Joseph
Parsons J.
Paterson C.
Paterson May
Paterson Charles
Patridge William
Patridge Samuel
Patridge E.C.
Patridge E.
Patton ne
Payton Mr.
Pearse W.
Pearson T.
Pedersen Mr.
Pembroke A.
Pemell Rev. John
Pentland A.
Pettit ne
Phelps John Christie
Philips ne
Phillip Daniel
Phillips J.
Phillips D.
Phillips Daniel
Pickering Rev. G.
Pickering J.
Picton A.C.
Picton ne
Picton Miss
Pierce J.B.H.
Pike W.H.
Pinchin ne
Pinchin Harry
Pinchin H.
Pittman ne
Playford George
Playford A.H.S.
Playford F.
Playford G.
Playford Thomas
Playford ne
Plumbe Mrs.
Poignard ne
Popenhagen C.
Popenhagen Christian
Poppengagen W.
Porter A.M.
Porter G.
Porter William
Porter W.
Porter George
Powditch William
Price Mr.
Price F.W.
Price R.J.
Price Thomas
Prior ne
Quinn W.J.
Quinn Jas. P.
Quinn ne
Quirk ne
Raddick ne
Ramsay D.B.
Read Dr. R.
Read Dr. Richard
Redman W.
Redman George
Redman Wiliam
Reuben A.
Reynold ne
Richards Simon
Richards S.
Richards Benjamin
Richards W.
Rigney Rev.
Ritchie A.M.
Roberts G.W.
Roberts Enid
Robertson John (Sir)
Robinson A
Robinson C.
Robinson E.W.
Robinson ne
Robinson Frederick T.
Robinson T.W.
Robinson A.C.
Robinson F.T.
Robinson F.J.
Robinson H.S.
Robinson ne
Robson John
Robson Rev. J.
Rodd John
Rodd Robert A.
Roper ne
Ross Mrs.
Rotton John
Rotton W.
Rourke Mrs.
Rourke H.
Rowland C.
Rubey ne
Rusden G.K. Rev.
Russell ne
Ryan A.E.
Ryan D.
Ryan J.W.
Saint Smith ne
Sales J.
Sattler F.
Saunder ne
Saunders F.V.
Sawkin ne
Sawkins E.
Sawkins E.B.
Scheller ne
Schierer Frederick
Schierer William
Scott Helenus
Scott Robert
Scott Ellis Martyn
Seaman ne
Searl J.
Searl John
Searl Nurse
Searl John
Selwood Austin H.
Shade ne
Shanahan ne
Shanahan Reg.
Shanahan N.
Shand Alexander
Shaw Mr.
Shaw A.B.
Shaw J.
Shaw Rev.B.E.
Shaw ne
Shearer Robert
Shearer Archibald
Shearer D.
Shearer D.P.
Shearer David
Sheehan J.H.
Sheehan ne
Shepherd Edmund
Shepherd G.
Shepherd J.E.
Sheppard ne
Sheridan W.J.
Sheridan J.
Sheridan W. jun.
Sherland Thomas
Short J.E.
Silver ne
Simmons ne
Simmons Capt. A.
Simmons A.
Simpson V.
Simpson T.S.
Singleton William
Singleton Agnes
Singleton Elijah
Singleton George
Singleton Benjamin
Singleton Mr.
Skinner M.
Slack Mr.
Small P.
Smith James
Smith J.
Smith Miss
Smith John
Smith Mrs.
Smith ‘Cookey’
Smith Robert
Smith R.J.
Smith G.
Smythe J.A.
Solman H.
Southon Mr.
Southon A.
Spence Rev. William
Spinks E.W.
Spinks V.W.
Stack Rev.William
Stacy A.P.
Stacy H.P.
Stacy A.L.
Stacy-Waddy Rev. P.
Stafford Dr. H.
Stephenson Richard
Stephenson R.
Stephenson Rev. W. G.R.
Stephenson G.A.
Stevens Rev. Father
Stevens Father
Stewart William Maxwell
Stewart ne
Stibbard D.C.
Stubbs W.Thomas
Tanner J.C.
Therry Rev.
Thomas Rev. R.J.
Thompson J.
Thompson L.A.
Thompson ne
Thompson Sister
Thompson ne
Thorley David
Thorley Phillip
Thorley P.
Thorne ne
Thorp Joshua
Thorpe Mr.
Thrift William
Thrift E.J.
Tinsel W.
Tinson W.
Tong Festus
Toomey J.W.
Trenley George
Trunley J.
Tuloch J.R.
Turner ne
Upjohn A.R. Miss
Upjohn O.R.
Upjohn Miss
Upjohn O.R.
Upjohn Olive Rouse
Uren J.
Uren John
Vampy ne
Varnum John
Vaughan F.J.
Vigars G.
Vincent ne
Vincer G.H.
Volger ne
Waddell Matthew
Waddell W.
Waddell M.
Waddell William
Waddell D.M.
Waddell W.M.
Wagstaff ne
Walker ne
Walker Thomas
Wallace E.H.
Wallace R.D.
Wallace Rev R.J.
Warburton K.
Warburton W.K.
Ward Matthew
Waring George
Waring T.G.
Warren Alexander
Waterhouse J.W.B.
Watt ne
Weatherall Rev. D.
Webster ne
Webster W.
Week J.
Wells Mrs.
Wheeler G.
White Nurse
White J.V. (Mrs)
White H.H.
White J.V.
White Edward
White ne
White Morley
White Rev. J.S.
White Rev J.S.
White Rev. Dr. J.S.
White Rev. James Smith
White Rev. Dr.
Whiteman W.
Whiteman Mrs.
Whitfield C.R. (Mrs.)
Whitfield P.
Whitfield P.A.
Whitfield C.R.
Whitfield ne
Whiting C.H.
Wikner O.W.
Wilcox F.E.
Wild Jane Mrs.
Wiles Rev. H.
Wilkinson Rev. S.
Williams A.S.
Williams G.
Williams Frederick
Williams F.
Williams Mr.
Williams T.
Williams C.J.
Wilson Miss
Wilson John
Wilson ne
Wilson J.
Wiseman Solomon
Wood Lieut. John
Wood Miss
Woods W.H.
Woods A.S.
Woods Bob
Woods W.
Woods William
Woods Miss
Woolnough Rev. J.
Worms H.W.
Worrall J.
Wright Miss
Wright Harry
Wright Miss A.
Wright James
Yeoman George
Yoole W.H.
York Henry
York H.
York ne


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