Resources – Singleton – Mitchell’s Flat School Pupils


This data is a extract from the school roll for Mitchel’s Flat.


Mitchell’s Flat School Pupils
Register No Date of admission Pupil’s Name Pupil’s age Religion Previous School, date left Parent/Guardian Name Residence Occupation Admission1st Class Admission2nd Class Admission 3rd Class Admission4th Class Admission5th Class Admission6th Class Admission7th Class Admission 8tht Class Date left school Occupation entered upon Notes
9b 28-Jan-08 Meyn, Melville 6y EC Meyn, William Mitchell’s Flat Farmer 1-Aug Mar-13 22-Mar-16 ne
11b 30-Aug-08 Meyn, Ivan 5y 8m EC Meyn, William Mitchell’s Flat Farmer 8-Aug Jan-15 15-May-17 ne
13b 27-Jan-09 Meyn, Howard 4y 9m EC Meyn, William Mitchell’s Flat Farmer 1-Sep Jul-16 Jan-18 10-May-18 ne
40b 6-Mar-12 Meyn, Allan 5y EC Meyn, William Mitchell’s Flat Farmer 6/03/2012 Jan-18 Mar-19 left school
47b 12-Mar-13 Meyn, Athol 5y 3m EC Meyn, William Mitchell’s Flat Farmer Mar-13 22/04/2013 23-Apr-13 left district
55b 19-Jan-14 Meyn, Athol 6y EC Meyn, William Mitchell’s Flat Farmer Jan-14 Oct-18 Jan-20 left school
106b 15-Feb-22 Meyn, Ernest 5y RC Meyn, Arthur Mitchell’s Flat Farmer Feb-22 Jan-24 Mar-24 Jan-25 Jan-26 Jan-27 Jan-28 Jan-29 to E.Maitland High
148b 12-Jul-26 Meyn, Eric W. 5y 9m RC Meyn, Arthur Mitchells Flat Carpenter Jul-26 Jan-28 Jan-29 Jan-30 Feb-31 Feb-32 Jan-33 Jan-34 to Singleton I.H.S.
163b 10-Feb-30 Meyn, Ronald 8y 6m RC Dec-29 Meyn, Arthur Mitchells Flat Carpenter Feb-30 to Sydney
210b 30-Jan-45 Meyn, Colin James 6y EC new Meyn, Allan Mitchells Flat Farmer Jan-45 Feb-46 Jan-47 Feb-48 20-Feb-48 left district
37g 1-May-16 Meyn, Moyra 6y 6m EC Meyn, William Mitchells Flat Farmer 1/05/2016 Apr-20 Jan-23 left school Dec 1924.
54g 23-Jan-22 Meyn, Doreen 6 RC Meyn, Arthur Mitchells Flat Builder Jan-24 Jan-24 Jan-25 6-Mar-25 ill
63g 12-Nov-23 Meyn, Thelma 5y 5m RC Meyn, Arthur Mitchells Flat Carpenter Nov-23 Jan-25 Jan-26 Jan-27 Jan-28 Jan-29 Jan-30 Feb-31 1-Feb-32
80g 13-Jul-26 Meyn, Doreen 10y 11m RC 6/03/2025 Meyn, Arthur Mitchells Flat Carpenter Jul-26 Jan-27 Jan-29 May 29. Home duties.
104g 10-Feb-30 Meyn, Noreen 7y 6m RC Meyn, Arthur Mitchells Flat Builder Feb-30 return to Sydney
111g 3-Feb-31 Meyn, Mary Theressa 6y 3m RC new Meyn, Arthur R. Mitchells Flat Builder Feb-31 Feb-32 Jan-33 Jan-34 to Lochinvar Convent
129g 31-Mar-37 Meyn, Berris Lorna 5y 11m RC new Meyn, Ivan * Mitchells Flat Farmer Mar-37 Feb-38 Jan-39 Jan-40 Jan-41 Feb-42 17-Dec-42 to SingletonConvent High.
164g 5-Feb-48 Meyn, Ralthlyn 6y 5m RC new Meyn, Ivan Mitchells Flat Farmer Feb-48 16-Dec-48 left district

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