Residents of NSW – Goulburn 1898







Some more Residents of Goulburn in 1898

134m. S. By rail direct . Banks, A.J.S.,
Commercial., N.S. W., E.S. & A.C.,
London Chartered, Australasia, City.
Abberton T. Salutation Hotel
Amable Caroline General Store
Amable George Builder
Armstrong J. J. Boots and Shoes
Armstrong W, G. Albion Hotel
Ashley E. Baker
Baker A. Baker
Barber E. B. Produce Dealer
Barnes T. Hairdresser
Barrett and Co. Tailors
Barrett & O’Brien ” The Critic ” Newspr
Barry William Hairdresser
Bartlett W. J. Brewer
Battye Mrs. General Store
Bauer C. Hairdresser and Tobacconist
Baxter and Co. Boot Factory
Baxter Mrs . R. Milliner
Beale and Co., Ltd. Sewing Machines
Beale Mrs. General Store
Benke A. Grocer
Bergmnark Otto Chemist
Betts A. M. Solicitor
Bevan Bros . General Store
Bevan D. Grocer
Binns W. Photographer
Blackmore G. T. Hotel
Bladwell and Co. Tailors
Bond John Draper
Brasnett W. E. Draper
Bray W. Watchmaker
Bretnall G. Tailor
Bruton John James Royal Hotel
Bryden E. C. Dentist
Bryson A. J. Grocer
Busbridge Bros. Tobacconists
Byrne Thos. Baker and Confectioner
Byrnes Laurie Tohaconist
Campbell Duncan Exchange Hotel
Carmichael S. Fuel Merchant
Caspers Mrs Photographer
Colbert Charles Cordial Manufacturer
Coleman Mrs. Dressmaker
Comino Antonio Oyster Saloon
Confoy E. General Store
Confoy Mrs. P. Kenmore Hotel
Connor M. 1lacksmith
Conolly William Miller
Cooper P. Produce
Costello E. S. Boots and Shoes
Costley W. R. General Store
Craig R . Sidney Undertaker
Cripps and Hollway Caterers
Dallas H. Boots and Shoes
Dan J. Draper
Daniel Bros. Proprtrs. ” Penny Post”
Daniel W. Undertaker
Davidson J. Public Baths
Davy A. General Dealer
Day A. J. Watchmaker
Deane A. Blacksmith
Denmead W. J. Butcher
Dennett C. Blacksmith
Donohue James Contractor
Douglas W. Excelsior Mills
Downs Mrs. News Agent & General Store
Doyle Miss General Store
Doyle Mrs. Restaurant
Drummond P. Blacksmith
Drury F. A. Cycle Agent
Duncan W. G. MusicTeacher
Edser Bros . Painters
Edwards H. G. Builder
Farquaher J. Rose and Crown Hotel
Faulder J. Terminus Hotel
Finlay & Co. Auctr and Stk & Stn Agents
Fisher S. Baker
Fletcher Robt. Tinsmith
Forrest R. Oddfellows’ Hall
Fortescue A. Saddler
Foxall W. S. Stationer
Frankish H. Greengrocer
Franklin George Saddler
French H. Boots and Shoes
Fry Mrs, Metropolitan Coffee Palace
Furner C. W. Draper
Furner Owen General Store
Galbraith Mrs. R. F. General Store
Gale William Woolbuyer
Gale A. J. General Store
Gaskell H. Boots and Shoes
Gibbon and Co. Ironfounders
Giddings Alfd. Produce Dealer
Gillespie Charles Boot Manufacturer
Goode and Son Builders
Goode C. Builders Arms Hotel
Goode J. J. Australian Arms Hotel
Goodhew A. Seedsman
Gould Walter Club House Hotel
Grant S. Produce Dealer
Green H. Commission Agent
Gregory George Fancy Goods
Gulsen Thomas Brewer
Hahn Bros. Tobacconists
Hamilton – Chemist
Handcock-Burkett Dr. H. Physician
Harris G. Piano Warehouse
Harris S. Grocer
Harrison T. Boots and Shoes
Hay J. N. Civil Engineer
Hayes D. Hairdresser
Hayes H. Cycle Agent
Higgins T. Baker and


Source: 1898 NSW Country Trade Register.