Hello and Welcome


‘We shall not cease from exploration,

and the end of all our exploring

will be to arrive where we started

and know the place for the first time’.

T. S. Eliott ‘Little Giddings

The web site is all about providing free or inexpensive research tools and assistance for family and local historians.

My work aims to provide information enabling the researcher to add foliage to the family tree and move from the ‘womb to tomb’ , ‘cradle to grave’ approaches of some.

Serious researchers realise that it is not enough to regurgitate, born here ,died and wed there and boast how many names they have found and how far in the past they can trace.

Details such as occupation, address or residence , salary, land ownership, licenses etc provide a picture of an individual’s life. Hopefully my various databases will assist in appreciation of the lives of our ancestors.

                     Please note that comments are not working. If you wish to                                                    comment       use this email, txcallaghan@outlook.com

I have now created a database . People and Places NSW 1832 – 1918      containing 50,000 names. The data is in MS Excell format and has entries for name, place, occupation and year. You will find the introduction   here. and a example of the da ta provided is here  .It is available to be downloaded.   Or contact me at txcallaghan@outlook.com.        The cost is $50 , bank transfer only.

If you are interested in residents of Singleton and Patricks Plains you may find this new data base of interest.;-

                     This listing of residents of Singleton and surrounding district is part of a                            ongoing project to assist family historians in researching family members                          who lived in the area. It contains the names of  4,000 persons compiled                                from various newspapers and primary sources. The entries are in the                                    main  taken from the newspapers of the day but in those cases where                               there is also information from the census and/or the general return of                                        convicts the potential for further study is evident. This methodology raises                        interesting possibilities particularly for those researching the socio-                                     economic mobility of their convict ancestors..

singleton 1848-1889


Wallsend / Plattsburg

For those interested in the Wallsend / Plattsburg area this database may be of interest.


◊  Publicans

My new data base, Residents of NSW Vol. 3 contains, to date, the names of  6,545 publicans and the names of their hotels and their location. If this is interest to you   see here https://wp.me/P3yFOW-1bN  or  contact me at txcallaghan@gmail.com for more information.


                  ◊   NSW Civil Service

The Civil Service Board of NSW was required to publish a ‘CIVIL SERVICE LIST’ containing the names of all the Officers of each Division and Class and of all other person employed by the Civil Service.

I have digitised the list for 1885, arranged the 9,344 entries in alphabetical of surname and alphabetical order by location..

The database provides surname and first names, occupation / position, the location and the division and / or class of the employee.

The list provides a valuable research tool for those researchers wishing to progress from ‘womb to tomb’ research to one providing foliage to the family tree.

You will find the database HERE.


◊ The passage of the ‘Squatters’ Act of 1846 – 47 replaced the system of annual tenure and gave to the pastoral industry beyond the ‘limits of location’ a fixity of tenure , albeit only for fourteen years but during that period only he could purchase the land. During the following years the Government Gazette published the names of applicants for leaseholds.

If you are interested in the names you will find  details  here on my site.  http://wp.me/P3yFOW-TR


If you wish to obtain a appreciation of  the Present Day Value (PDV) of your ancestor’s wages, salary or any other cost you may find my tabulation of the PDV of interest. Follow this link .


My latest project ‘NSW Residents . Vol. 3 is still being added to with  over 48,561 entries to date. This database is progressively being sorted by surname, town or place, year and occupational grouping. You will find the links here. NSW Residents V3


◊ Those researching the Windsor district may be interested in the names of persons who received relief, flour, sugar and tea, as a result of the 1859 floods..


◊ The extracts from the Diocese of Maitland for 1926 provide details of all the then Catholic parishes including Singleton. I have now digitised the results for the 1925 and 1928 Bursary Examinations for the Hunter Valley ( Diocese of Maitland). So if you wish to know the school your Grandparents attended and the marks she or he scored in the Bursary you will find the results HERE

Camden, Bourke & Grant (Vict.) and Northumberland. More to come.


◊ Those researchers who are interested in the history of Jerry’s Plains may find this article of use.


◊ The records of the NSW Public Service for 1885 has the names of over 3000 employees. It also provides the names and the schools for teachers, pupil teachers, probationary teachers, itinerant teachers, mistress and School Attendance Officers are listed. Many of the schools have long since disappeared or closed but may be of interest for those whose ancestors were teachers. They are listed in my new database NSW Residents Vol 3.


                     Some data bases have now been included in the new data base                                      Occupational Groups  which may assist in locating persons you ar                                      researching.

Notes !

* Some data bases have been password protected due to parties reproducing without permission and plagiarism.  You can request the password at txcallaghan@gmail.com



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